Saturday, October 30, 2010

Dee awarded 5th stripe on his brown belt.

Graduation day for all students.

Dee under the Praying Mantis.

Chief Instructor, Clysta and Dee.

Instructor's with Dee and Clysta.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Crystal Cove with Jeff, Dee and Gary

After 4 day in California, the weather is finally 74 and sunny.
The boys spent the day at the beach.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Removal of our Pool.

Start with the pump and filter.

the deck

the posts

the liner

the side

how do I throw out the liner

what a mess

cutting up the liner to put on the curb

What do I do with this area?
Plant wild flowers?
Plant a garden?
Chaise lounge and kiddy pool?
Putting green with sand trap?
Help us decide.