Thursday, January 20, 2011

Old Tucson Studios

Most Western movies made here since 1940.

Cannon from "The Alamo" .

Old movie projector.

John Wayne movie.

Grand Palace Hotel.

U.S. Marshal Office.

High Chaparral.
Stage Coach stop.

Barber & Dentist.

Bath House - woman.

Flat Stanley vs Gunman.

Once again Phil got me in trouble.

Phil and Kathy panning for GOLD.....are you nuts.

Old water tank.

Old train car.

Gatling Gun.

Wooooo Stanley.

Gunfight with Billy the Kid.

Our drive back.

That was Old Tucson........this is Tucson.


Gokoko said...

Great pics, Dad. Who does Flat Stanley belong to? Hope he's having as much fun as you guys. Can't believe you exposed him to the seedier side of that life though! For shame!

Best wishes and safe travels.
The Simanceks

Grandpa and Nana said...

In jail with Philip and you didn't call for bond money - thank you!! Who belongs to Flat Stanley?? Lools like a great trip down memory lane.